Letter of Membership 

      Dear Harry,

      It is with great pleasure that I welcome you into the membership of The First International Church Of The Web. Since you've already visited our web site, you're already familiar with our church and many of our plans for the future. For the latest information on our church, please visit our Newsletter Archive page on our web site.

      I look forward to your active participation in our church. Please join us if possible for our Weekly Fellowship Chat Sessions, held in our church chat room on Mondays from 8pm to 10pm Eastern. Other activities include responding to the prayer requests on our Prayer Request Message Board, and taking part in threaded discussions on our Church Bulletin Board.

      As your pastor on the internet, I'm always available to you via e-mail if you have any questions or anything you'd like to discuss. I'm especially open to ideas and suggestions for making our church a better and more effective ministry.

      Once again, welcome! I look forward to hearing from you regularly. God bless you.

      Yours in Christ, Brother Dave

A Few Brief Facts Concerning 

The First International Church of the Web

The First International Church of the Web (FICOTW) ordains only Christian ministers and is founded upon strictly Christian principles.

The First International Church Of The Web is Non-Denominational, preferring to emphasize the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ rather than individual differences of interpretation.